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Top Questions

Which areas do you cover?

Although I mainly cover both East and West Sussex, arrangements can be made to travel to other counties, depending on the amount of horses being treated, and after a conversation to ensure that a travel distance fee can be agreed.

How should I prepare for my first treatment?

Please ensure that your horse is in and has been groomed by the appointment time. Somebody needs to be present to hold, and assist with a musculoskeletal assessment.

What should I expect from my first session?

Every case is different and results will depend both on findings during the examinations and how much time can be put into aftercare. Sessions aim to provide a time frame within which your horse is moving in a correct and comfortable way, within which period we can promote the right muscular development.

How often do you need to see my horse?

Again, it is case dependent. Findings will be discussed during the visit, as will re-examinations. I can be reached by e-mail or phone, in between visits, to discuss any issues with the rehabilitation plans put in place.

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