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Fees are based on when I last saw the owner, not the horse. I appreciate that people with multiple horses may not afford to have regular treatments for every horse.

New owner assessment 

Review of the horse’s history, orthopedic examination (trot up, lunge and, where feasible, ridden) of the horse, followed by treatment with chiropractic, acupuncture, laser therapy, myofascial release and/or kinesio tape depending on the case - £150 + VAT (£180)

Any additional horse seen on the day, owned by the same person, will cost £80 + VAT (£90).

Reassessment of any of the owner's horses: (including new horses)

If within 3 months: £80 + VAT (£90).

If between 3 months and 1 year: £100 + VAT (£120).

If longer than 1 year: £150 + VAT (£180).

Trot up and treat with a short report, verbally discussed exercises: £80, including VAT.

Travel fee

I will no longer be charging a visit fee within the outlined area below.

If the visit is further afield, please contact Edward at with the post code for a quote. This will be dependent on distance and number of horses being treated.

Insurance paperwork

£15 (+ VAT) to print, fill in, scan and send on insurance forms. There is no charge if the paperwork is printed out and presented to me at the yard.

Fees : Welcome
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Podiatry services

The fee also includes consultation with your farrier and/ or a radiograph report. 

At the time of the assessment (or within 2 months)

4 foot balance radiographs - £100 + VAT (£120).

8 foot balance radiographs - £160 + VAT (£192).

If I have assessed the horse, but not within the last 2 months

4 foot balance radiographs - £120 + VAT (£144).

8 foot balance radiographs - £180 + VAT (£216).

A visit fee will also be applied if I am not also treating the horse, or another horse on the yard, on the same day.

I will not take radiographs of horses which I have not assessed unless I receive a direct referral from your farrier.

4 foot balance radiographs - £120 + VAT


8 foot balance radiographs - £180 + VAT (£216).

A visit fee will also be applied.

Pricing for additional screening radiographs can be discussed during the consultation. 

Sedation fee may also apply if the horse will not stand for radiographs.

Please note that radiographs are for preventative, screening and maintenance measures. If your horse is lame, I will recommend veterinary diagnostics through your regular vet. As this is a preventative measure, the radiographs and radiographic findings cannot be used to start an insurance claim. 


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Fees : Image
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